Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Letter to Marley....

one thing you need to realize is that you can put your self in those situations were tempation is high. like you cant tell someone to quit smoking but have them work at a tobacco plant. so really stay away from the evils of the world because they can only bring you down. one thing im now realizing more and more each day is what made grandpa such a great person. and its because all he did was serve others. remember how you and mom went and helped out at the shelter around christmas. and you felt good well grandpa would do little things that surved us which servied the lord. i want to be the kind of guy that wakes up at 4 in the morning to come over to my familys house and put a balloon and a happy birthday and doorbell ditch you at 5 in the morning just because he loves us. its the little things that mean so much to us and are so easy to do. so if you try each day to become a better person a little at a time and serive the people around you each day a little at a time than the spirit will help you. if all the members did what they were asked and invited others to come unto christ than there wouldnt be any missionarys today. they lord works in misterious ways and you need to be able to recgongize them. i love you marley very much and hope you do your best to fallow gods comandments. it says in my patriartical blessing to help set example for my family and im trying hard even though im your little brother i still can be looked up to and i love you alot really i do so be strong and read and pray EVERY DAY I MEAN IT lol so stay out of trouble Love elder nelson


Theresa said...

haha Alex,.. what a cutie,.. does Marley know you posted her letter? haha.

Kerstin said...

What a great letter. I agree about Papa and serves. I think the more you serve the happier you are because you realize all you have been blessed with. I love reading all of Alex's letters!

Our Family