Sunday, May 3, 2009

Duct Tape Prom

When Alex was a Senior, he and his date, Brianna Wood, went to the prom in Duct Tape outfits! She was such a good sport and her dress looked beautiful... Even her corsage is made out of duct tape.

In keeping the tradition going, Drew Weston made a duct tape suit for his prom. Drew Lookes very classy with his all white suit and green accents. The sun glasses add a touch of class too!


Kerstin said...

that is so cool!! How did they do it?

Unknown said...

I am not sure how the dress was made but the suits are old suits with duct tape over them. You have to be very careful to match the seams. It wasn't easy. There is a whole bunch of stuff on duct tape proms online. :o)

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