Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

Mother's Day was a wonderful day!!! Yes, it was mother's day and yes I got a fun, fantastic present from my sweet daughter and dear hubby and yes my husband cooked me breakfast and dinner, and yes church was very nice. But it was a wonderful day because we got to talk to Alex (Elder Nelson). We didn't know when he was going to call, but at about 1:40, he called. We were surprised and Marley was at Church so Tim called her to come home so she could talk to Alex too. We called Grammie on the cell, put it to speaker phone and started the tape recorded to get every word and we were ready.

Alex is in a new area close to the bottom of the Orlando mission. He is excited to be there and looks forward to new experiences. His first week in his new ward was good. He was told the ward didn't feed the missionaries much, but on his first sunday there they had 8 offers for dinner and had eaten dinner at someones house the night before. We were glad to hear that! He says he knows how to work a dinner from the members. LOL! I think it is just that he is a positive fun person to be around and that influences the people and makes them want to be around him. He had a lesson set up for Monday and a baptism sometime around the end of the month.

He struggled in his last area and when we asked about his last companion, he said, "he basically hates me." It made me sad. But it is just another growing experience. He said his new companion is a good guy. Alex is still the senior companion and is now a District Leader. He talked about a really nice Missionary Couple that is serving there and he seems to really like them and respect them. His area is really large and the ward is small.

The weather is very warm in his new area, 92 the other day. He talked about the humidity, verses the dryness here in Utah. He didn't know his address. :( we should get that soon. He loves the diversity of FL. He is going to be taking spanish classes once a week in his new area. That is exciting to me since that will help him in whatever he does in the future.

He seems happy and excited about the work and as we are approaching his HUMP day, I asked him if he wanted us to send him anything special, and he said he just wanted us to take the Elders here out to a nice steak dinner. I was so proud and pleased with that response. Instead of asking for something for himself, he thought about the Elders here. He said he was excited to go on splits with the Elders here when he gets home.

We are so thankful for his choice to serve and his desire to do the right thing. He is a wonderful person and missionary.

1 comment:

Shayla said...

What a cute thing to request for hump day. I can't believe it's been a year already!! I'm sure it seems like a lifetime to you though. :) Glad you got to talk to him. Sounds like he's doing great!

Our Family